Tarpaulins and foils for vehicles
When it comes to protecting vehicles, it comes down to three things – the protection is either for the vehicle itself, things it carries or the driver.
In case of vehicle protection, tarpaulins are a very popular and very functional protection that can be
used on any vehicle, from cars and motorcycles, to large trucks and planes. They are often used as basic covers that protect the vehicle from damages and weather conditions, as well as heat and cold.
Tarpaulins are also used as protection for transporters and trucks, mostly protecting the cargo in their trailers, from the elements and wind. With a simple rope method, the cargo can be safe from the
elements and the tarpaulin can be removed as needed for easier access to specific cargo or unloading.
Lastly, construction and small vehicles like forklifts or park buses, can be protected with transparent foils. This method protects the driver and potential passengers from the weather conditions, wind, heat and cold, while also not hindering the necessary visibility.
Fabrics used for these covers are PVC canvases of renowned European manufacturers Sattler and Sauleda that can be found in various colors, textures and designs, including the transparent canvases. Canvases are cut to order and can be branded and printed on.
All vehicle canvases are easily removed, easy to store and re-use.